I am back.
But not in one piece.
Coz i've left a big part of me there.
With the children.
The 14 days was over.
I wanted more.
However, we have to come back to reality.
The 14 days was great.
Extremely great.
Missing the children.Missing their laughter.
Missing their smiles.Missing the big green gate.
Missing the che-kais.Missing everything about Love House.
I'll come back soon, children. Insya-Allah.
my heart cries everytime i listen to the song
Top of the world - The Carpenters
Such a feelings coming over me
There is wonder in most everything I see
Not a cloud in the sky
Got the sun in my eyes
And I won't be surprised if it's a dream
Everything I want the world to be
Is now coming true especially for me
And the reason is clear
It's because you are here
You're the nearest thing to heaven that I've seen
I'm on the top of the world looking down on creation
And the only explanation I can find
It's the love that I've found eversince you've been around
Your love's put me at the top of the world
Something in the wind has learned my name
And it's telling me that things are not the same
In the leaves on the trees and the touch of the breeze
There's a pleasing sense of happiness for me
There is only one wish on my mind
When this day is through I hope that I will find
That tomorrow will be just the same for you and me
All I need will be mine if you are here
12.03.06Thank you Mister.Pizza was great.You were great.Everything was great.Wished the day was longer.Missing you.11.03.06
The day which marks my last game for the league.
Will be missing two games.Coz i'll be in another part of the earth. hah.
Despite the lack of sleep, find it amazing that i could still play just now.
(the only sleep i had was at changi airport canteen after lunch with yaz n najib..which was merely half an hour)
I'm sorry though. For not being me just now.It started out well. It ended badly.Was just pissed with something.Wellie, Good Luck Fellow Squirrettes.09.03.06/10.03.06Thank you for the chalet, NP Floorball.I had a really wonderful time.Time pass so quickly.Again i wish the day would be longer.Looking back at my journey in NP Floorball,I feel so fortunate to find a family in each of my fellow floorballers.I'll miss each and everyone of you.I've learnt alot too.Leading was never easy. However, thank you all. I made it to the end.Thank you, NPFB.Thank you, Wyldkatz.Memories will stay etched in my mind.Joyride was at night.We had loads of fun. Started out with a supper at Changi Village.The bapoks were so damn pretty n sexy lor.Jealous aku...ahaha..I can still remember one wearing a see through skirt which is oh-so-short with a white g-string.ewwww.....Then, we sent ira to her place.it was 2+ in the morning by then.Three of us (me, ayu, ulfy) insisted that we sent her up to the 10th floor.Waited till she got in her house before we went back down.Something unexplainable happened after that.hah. Longest lift ride as stated by Ulfy in her blog.(By the way, ulfy, it didnt stop on the 9th but 8th.)Lift went down as per normal. But stopped on the 8th floor.Door opened. No one.And ulf went....army, army, bang, bang (imitating the gun action)I told the other 2 tat maybe i accidentally pressed the button.So i pressed the close button as i was nearest to it. with ayu beside me n ulfy on the opposite side. Door closed. Went down. Stopped on the 7th floor.Door opened. Again no one. i sensed something's wrong by then. just didnt say anithing.And ulfy went army, army, bang, bang..(again imitating the gun action)..quickly pressed the close button.Door closed. Lift moved. Skipped 6th.Stopped at level 5. Ayu was hiding behind me then not wanting to look at the door.Door opened. No one. By then, ulfy stopped her army, army, bang, bang. n went silent.Quickly pressed the close button. But the lift just didnt move.Panicked. Pressed the level 1 button. n lucky for us, it moved.phew!Again it stopped at level 4.Was really scared mannnn...Already forming images in my mind. Never know who's waiting at the door.Door opened. No one.Lin: (stumbling and mumbling words) call.call someone. call them.Me quickly pressed the close button. Lift moved.Ulfy: Ok. (took out phone and called yazid)Ayu: (silent)Ulfy: (sue answered the phone) eh sue. pls get someone to wait for us at level 1. something happened. pls.Stopped again at Level 3 and 2.Same thing happened.However, there was indeed someone at Level 2.Ulfy: eh got.got someone.Lin/Ayu: (Panicked) who??Ulfy: There at the door.Yes. there was someone. But not that 'thing'. Lucky sia.Was just a man at his door, opening the gate to his flat.Door closed. N moved. We were all waiting infront of the door trying to be the first to get out of the lift.But no one was waiting for us at level 1. call urself a friend? hah.We ran to the carpark. But no trajet waiting.haiyoh...started moving around to spot the car.Then we finally see the car. Once in the car. we told them what happened.Found out that they actually wanted to scare us by parking at another place.So the mean lor. ohhh such loyal friends i have...hee.After that we had problems finding our way out of the carpark.Funny. its like sumthing didnt want us to go back.spooooooooooooky.Yazid drove us to see the airplanes.Changi airport is so damn nice at night. or maybe morning.The stars were so pretty too.Lucky us to get to see the airplane took off. Very the nice.Next stop was tanjong rhu.love the brigde. love the lightings.love the scenery.got back to the chalet around 5. did my isyak.n played twister with sue, aisah n ulfy.ayu surrendered. she went to sleep.we were making a hell of noise.n disturbing others in their sleep.sowie hor.twister was fun.and i'm the winner. hehe....Thank you joyriders.For the laughter and fun.i Love the company.will miss all of u badly.looking forward to the next ride.till then, take care.miss me while i'm at cambodia.Mister, i love you.you miss me too.....ok...*muacks*
05.03.06A whole day slacking at home.*bored*04.03.06FC Squirrettes vs Moosettez0 - 111st period : 0-22nd period: 0-03rd period: 0-9We lost. Expected. Like duRh!But hey i was proud of us. of my girls.Despite being in a losing game, we never gave up.And to think we managed to hold them back during the 2nd period.Love you all, dear Squirrettes.03.03.06My Mister and me went for a play at Tampines which Sue was acting in.Erm..truthfully..i didnt expect the play to be that good.Congrats Shaiful.Congrats Sue. You were great, babe.02.03.06Our own potluck gathering at Irliana's.Had loads of fun.and loads of food. *yummy*Saw II was cool.hah.Girls being girls.We were screaming our hearts out.And covering our faces with cushions.Next movie was 'A Walk To Remember'.It was such a touching show.hmmm...when will we be meeting again, meanies?