Wednesday, June 21, 2006

comp is down.
that explains my absence in msn.
i'm now at an internet cafe near the shop.
had to do something for abah.
and myself.

convocation is over.
it was nice though to be on stage.
with all eyes on you.
didnt expect the stage to be that long la.

the three meals with the other two was great.
annie n ulfy.
spend the whole day at Raffles.
lunch at Fig & Olive.
tea break at Deli.
dinner at BK.
we became porkies for a day.
but i had a great time.

dinner & Dance on 18th.
enjoyed the food.
especially the nachos and the cheese.
but didnt really enjoy the show.
with that really lame magic show.
by this guy named Shawn or was it Shaun.
wadeva the name is.

cant wait to collect my letters from cambodia.
i'll walk into that big green gate soon.

Happy 20th Birthday, Jelly.
love you.

Missing you.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

didn't go to the shop today.
a whole day lazing at home.
now i'm thankful that i at least have the shop to tend to.
kinda bored staying at home.
at least the chores do keep me busy.

can't help but thinking.
about you.
i have stopped hoping.
i have stopped asking.

if one day you find yourself lost, take my hand.
i'll show you the way back to my heart.

Monday, June 12, 2006

the evening was spent with aura.
had a wonderful time.
and yes we did what we were supposed to do.
eat and talk.

me being me.
cant help it when i see the word SALE.
i bought myself a Neckermann sandals.
and its pink.
upset though when i couldnt get what i actually wanted.

thank you aura.

masih ada kasih dari sinar matamu.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

i'm offered contract teaching in a primary sch.
wished i had gotten the direct entry to NIE.
but syukur Alhamdulillah.
my prayers were answered.
so ulf, don't worry.
i won't be going over to Msia that soon.
you don't need to miss me lah k.

rahsia di hati tak siapa yang tahu.
the laughter that i share is actually fake.
the smiles are all fake too.
i'll wait.
but don't be too late.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006

2 entries in one day.
i'm bored.
and feeling pretty low.

was i waiting for that call?
no, i'm not.
yes, maybe i am.

i used to look forward to weekends.
but now i dread it.
it used to be spent with u.
but now its like once in a blue moon?

take care, dear one.
time will decide.
your presence will be appreciated.
when you are no longer there.
if only i can run away.
from everything.
from everyone.
being in love.
is like being on a rollercoaster.
with no ending.
and i'm holding on tightly.
be quick.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


training's never the same without my crazy girls.
the two who always makes training more fun-ner.
felt so alone.
felt so out of place.
maybe that explains that refreshing run.
6 rounds around the track after so so long.
people must think i'm crazy.
but i actually miss the campus run.
really do.
i miss those time when i still feel i belong.
to that family i've found.

me: girl nak apply to UM tau.
ibu: trylah tunggu nie.

UM, Universiti Malaya.
i want to be a teacher, an educator.
but why UM?
i hope to specialise in Malay Lang.
Just like abah.
its kinda hard to enter nie.
and truthfully i'm not strong enough to accept rejections.

bus ride was great.
wished you could share it with me though.
i'm not here for you only when you are happy.
that smile always makes me want to smile too.