sorry for the long absence.
busy and tired with the working life.
and now with the raya visiting.
hardly have any personal time for myself.
children taking their final year exams.
kinda scared for them.
but i'm actually proud that many of my students..
well not all..actually memorised what i asked them to
for their karangan..
i feel oh-so-proud of them..
here's what i asked them to memorise by hard.
its for the opening of the compo.
"Cuaca pada hari itu sungguh cerah.
Bunyi burung yang berkicau-kicauan sangat merdu.
Angin yang meniup sepoi-sepoi bahasa menyamankan lagi
suasana pada hari itu. Perasaan saya sungguh gembira."
bagus tak? bagus tak?
i promised to upload pics of my new bed. so here goes..

see that 'little princess' pillow. my fav for now.
a birthday gift from my fellow joyriders.

my new curtains. nice kann....
busy and tired with the working life.
and now with the raya visiting.
hardly have any personal time for myself.
children taking their final year exams.
kinda scared for them.
but i'm actually proud that many of my students..
well not all..actually memorised what i asked them to
for their karangan..
i feel oh-so-proud of them..
here's what i asked them to memorise by hard.
its for the opening of the compo.
"Cuaca pada hari itu sungguh cerah.
Bunyi burung yang berkicau-kicauan sangat merdu.
Angin yang meniup sepoi-sepoi bahasa menyamankan lagi
suasana pada hari itu. Perasaan saya sungguh gembira."
bagus tak? bagus tak?
i promised to upload pics of my new bed. so here goes..

see that 'little princess' pillow. my fav for now.
a birthday gift from my fellow joyriders.

my new curtains. nice kann....
cant help it but to feel jealous.
no matter whether u're my fren or not,
i'll still feel jealous.
so get away!