Saturday, September 25, 2004

Freaking asSignmeNts~!

Its almost 3 am in the morning and i'm stil online!! to do my freaking assignments lah...and have to wake up freaking early tomoro coz i have to go chai chee sec to coach Floorball.These group of girls from girl guides are taking NYAA award and so have decided to take up floorball as a new skill.n Raihan's friend happened to be teaching in that yah raihan had asked me n lina to help her out.but lina cant make it tmr n ulfah will be joining us.
Anyhow..i'll be having my music & movement lesson assessment this monday at the child care. Scared ar!! I've done my lesson plan and have sent it to my mentor through email so she could check for us and edit it..My activity is called 'All Aboard'.Children will have to become trains and move around with actions.Kinda fun eh...Lets just see how it goes..
The last time i had to teach 3 art lessons and one of it will be assessed..and yah its over liao..and all went really well.Miss Teo showed me the marking scheme she used to assess me n yah i did kinda i just got to pray that the children will cooperate with me this monday...
grrr..*rubbing eyes*...
i've gotta get sum slyp liao..i've tonnes of things to do tmr..especially all those never-ending assignments.
Sometimes i wonder why am i taking Diploma in Early Childhood Education? For those people out there thinking that ECH is an easy course..TRY IT! You're gonna regret it!!
*Flying kiSses fOr mY baBy =P*

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