On a sat morning.
At TP. *soooo far*
As usual.
Blame it on msn.
I slept at 3+ the night before.
Met my dearie.
Took a cab down to TP.
There goes my money-money.
TP seems small.
But i like the sports complex.
Juz 2 periods.
Ermm...i think we r cursed.
Rite Wyldkatz?
Wellie, we won.
Err..i scored!
Line 1 rawks!
And Wyldkatz, winnie in my line hor.
Headed straight home after that.
With him n aisah.
Home.Change.AND sleep after my prayers.
Had to woke after an hour.
Abah wants to break fast inJB.
Only the 4th day of Ramadhan.
Went to JB twice.
Prayers at a mosque in UTM.
Just about to enter the female prayer hall.
And suddenly the lights went off.
The whole mosque was out of light.
Did maghrib in the dark.
Waited for Isyak azan which seems like forever.
Did mass Isyak prayers in the dark.
It feels nice.
I feel so close to God.
I love You, Allah.
Lights came back.
When we were about to start terawih.
Giant was the next stop.
*i love*
Pics taken during training camp. Enjoy!
Pics taken during training camp. Enjoy!

spot the odd one out


My group during the 'caterpillar' game

Yesh.NP circle b4 sleep.

Faces of Floorballist

NP Wyldkatz. *i love them all*

During dinner. Look at my dear Mr VP beside me.

crazy catz
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