Wednesday, February 28, 2007

the nicest thing to hear from your student when you're angry,
"cikgu, saya minta maaf." touches me.
i got very angry with a student for being rude.
therefore i got him to pack his belongings and got him out of the class.
i didnt know where he went to after that.
Minutes after the bell rang for the next class,
he came in.
He held out his hand to salam me
and said the magic sentence,
cikgu i'm sorry.
and so being the sweet me, i forgave him.
i explained why i was angry and why he shouldnt be rude.
a lot like love.
reminds me of us.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

i've just reserved a copy of the seventh and final book of the Harry Potter series.
and i'm feeling oh-so-happy. heh.
it'll be out this july.
and i can't wait for the mid-year.
wellie, first thing yes..the book.
i'll be out of Sembawang Pri, insya-Allah.
to pursue another diploma in nie this july.
and lastly, another harry potter movie will be out in the mid of this year.
double happiness?
nope. triple happiness!
miss you mister!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

many people in the world are celebrating valentines day.
i'm sorry to say but many of my Muslim friends celebrate it too.
little did they know its haram.
well to me you dont need to wait for valentines day
just to show that someone u love him or her.
you can show it to them everyday.
Nabi Muhammad saw:
"Barang siapa meniru suatu kaum, maka ia termasuk dari kaum tersebut".
ku terjatuh dan terjatuh lagi

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

sometimes i just wish i could shut myself away from the world.
from everything.
from everyone.
maybe that includes u.
yes i definitely have a big problem managing my anger.
i say things i dont mean to say.
but i do love you.